Hey Everybody!
Some important updates in this post, so please make sure you read! There has been some debate about whether they were going to drop Chelsea to a younger platoon because she has missed so much due to her knee injury. Which would push her graduation date back to the 17th of December. The most recent letter I received she did say that they told her they could not drop her and that she would be graduating with her platoon on December 3rd. So, as far as we know at this point her graduation date is DECEMBER 3rd! If there are any changes I will notify everyone to the best of my ability as soon as we hear.
Sorry this is a really long post, it includes a couple 5 page long letters from her J
Letter #4 to Me:
Hi Logan,
I don’t think things could be going any worse. My knee is better but when I went for my final follow-up the trainer sent me to have my cough looked at & when they took my vitals I had a fever of 101 degrees so they put me on bed rest for 2 days. My body seems to be failing me in every way possible. Today was the first day of our swim qualifications and I’m stuck here in bed. I won’t be able to go tomorrow either b/c I have to go back to medical so they can check if my fever went away. I really hope it does. I feel like I’ve missed practically the whole first month. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they don’t drop me to a younger platoon because of all that I missed.
I started getting lots more letters… YAY!! Mail call is getting better and better. Mommy said everyone is upset they can’t send me food & want to know what they can send. I need more letter writing stuff like envelopes & stamps though I don’t know how much time I’ll have to write while we’re at the rifle range just b/c we need to keep our rifle really clean. They can send pretty much anything so long as it’s not food or anything sharp. Oh, our hair gel, hair spray, black hair ties and black bobby pins would work too. Some of us still haven’t gotten to go to the PX to get it yet. Also, I really like getting pictures. Just nothing too bulky… we don’t have much room for our stuff. Just a 1.5 ft. X 3 ft. footlocker at the end of our bed. Don’t send books either… I won’t have time to read them.
I think that’s pretty much all for now. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Letter #5 to Me:
Hi Logan,
We’re studying really easy knowledge… it’s so boring. I almost fell asleep. So, to stay awake I’ll write you a letter.
Today we had our PT session early. We started before the sun came up. It was the first day we got to do the obstacle course. When you just watch it looks pretty easy and low to the ground but some of the stuff once you get up seems really high when there’s nothing to catch you but some shredded tires on top of dirt. It was fun though- would have been more fun if there weren’t so many people yelling at us to keep moving. Right after we showered then went right to the Pugil sticks. This was the last time we did Pugil sticks until the crucible.
My arms are so tired from always holding the rifle. It seems like we drill 8 hours a day ( I know it’s less but it seems longer).
I don’t know if you heard or not but when I went for my final follow up for my knee, the trainer sent me to have my cough looked at and since I had a fever. They put me on bed rest for 2 days. Yesterday morning our senior DI had me bring all my stuff to the front of the squad bay for an inventory. Usually they do this when someone is getting dropped to a newer platoon but one of the other DI’s said she thought I was staying b/c there was no paperwork for it. I’m so confused! Today on the obstacle course our chief DI (above our senior) said I was still here b/c there were some people who thought I still deserved to be here so I still have no idea what’s happening. I may be staying an extra 2 weeks and I may not be. Its not my fault my knee started to hurt and got sick with a high fever. I was still able to pass the martial arts test. If I’m not gone by Monday I’ll be marching in initial drill & we have our first written test on Tuesday. We officially enter phase 2 on Monday. I’m really really hoping they don’t push me back but if they do I’ll definitely be home for Christmas.
Lots of people are saying that with the holidays and MCT classes not picking up until Jan that we’ll have all of December off. Wouldn’t that be nice!! Tons of time to recover and sleep. I’m going to start making a list of everything I want to eat on the ride home. I started dreaming about how to sneak food in.
Today started off great! We do our weigh-ins every Sunday. Last week I was 109 b/c I got sick. I gained back enough to get to 112 and she finally decided to put me on double rations. Until the paperwork gets done I only get to pile up extra from the salad bar- as much PB&J as I want!! YAY! I finally felt full after breakfast today. Eggs, hash brown, waffle, banana, rice krispies, yogurt, watermelon, 2 pieces of bread, 2 PB packets and 2 jelly packets. It’s great! I can’t wait till full double rations!
I think that’s all for now. I haven’t heard from you in a while. How is everything? Oh, I got a card from Pete yesterday. He said he was playing JV and Varsity football.
Geez, I fell like I never get much of my own free time. I hate being good at everything. Everyone is always asking for help w/ their hair or rolling sleeves on their uniforms. They need to learn it on their own! I haven’t gotten to stretch & ice my knee the past few days. I’m sure I’ll have more to write after next week. I think after initial drill and our written test I’m making up my swim qualifications and also going to the gas chamber. I’m not looking forward to that but we also do the repell tower and get measured for our service uniforms. Our green camis got sent out to get our name tapes put on …exciting!! We finally get to wear our names!
I was getting 3-5 letters a day for a while but they’ve been tapering off little. I guess there’s only so much for people to write about. Have you gotten my letter about my job yet? I’ll be in Pensacola for 5 months so hopefully there will be at least one long weekend I can come and visit.
I can’t wait to get out of here. Anyway, I’ll sign off now and update you next week.
Letter #6 to Me:
I hate firewatch! I want to go back to bed. I had to stand a 2 hour post from 10 to 12 after going to bed at 8. It’s so boring nothing goes on!
Today was probably one of the worst days for our drill instructors. We failed and lost initial drill so they weren’t very happy. Because of the holiday we got an extra 4 hours of free time, a good amount of which was spent sorting through our stuff. They made us dump everything in the middle of the squad bay, mix it up the shove it back in any foot locker. So we had to use our free time to resort. It was a mess b/c they took hair product out of the gear locker and dumped that all over it too so not only did we have to sort but we had to clean too. Hopefully it’s not going to be like that for the next 2 months. If it is its going to be long!
I haven’t heard from you in a while so let me know how everything is going. Tomorrow we have the written test and the gas chamber. I’m not looking forward to that. Everyone says its not too bad but I don’t know about that.
I got your letter yesterday. I figured you were busy with school and everything. I hadn’t thought of Easter but it’s a definite possibility. The mileage limitations vary depending on how many days we get off. I’ll have to wait and see which days for Easter we get.
Yesterday was a packed day. I had to make up my swim qualification in the morning after out written test. The all did the repel tower but I was late so I didn’t get to go L I was so disappointed! Then we ate and went to the gas chamber. It wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone said it was going to be. The didn’t make us take our masks off and breath in or anything crazy like that. They only made us close our eyes & hold our breath for 30 seconds while we broke the seal on our mask. It did burn a little but not too bad. A few people freaked out, took their mask off and bolted for the door. The Marines in charge (series commander, chief drill instructor) were not very happy. They made our drill instructors and senior drill instructors unblouse their boots – NOT GOOD!! They said they’ve never had a platoon with so many people embarrass them like that. What was even worse…the male company that picked up the same time we did was there waiting to go after us. We ended up in the pit for that. I hate that when one person screws up we all pay for it. Our senior hates us now.
Swim qual was pretty easy. We put on a set of camis, swam 25 meters how ever was comfortable for us then we were pushed off a 10 ft. platform into the water, swam to the side, learned how to use our shirt as a floatation device then swam another 25 meters. Today was a really easy day. All we did was get issued our service and dress blues. It took forever (all day) just because 61 people had to put everything on to get altered. We didn’t do our dress blues today but we got the jacket, pants & skirt. I can’t wait to actually wear them! I got in trouble today for taking 2 pieces of bread and 2 peanut butters. She told me I was going to be double rations but apparently she said she never told me that. I’m going to talk to her about it though. She also said she can’t drop me so grad is still Dec. 3rd.
Once we finish up this week we go to the rifle range. Once we get there I probably won’t have a whole lot of time to write. I’ll try though.
The days have started to go by quicker now. Last week seemed never ending but there are only 50 days left. I can’t wait for Dec 3rd! It was getting chilly here for a while but it warmed back up. Sorry if I repeat anything. We focus so much during the day I can’t remember what I wrote in the last letter.
I’ll sign off now… gotta get some stuff done. Talk to you soon!
Love, Chelsea”