Monday, September 20, 2010

Chelsea's 2nd Letter Home

My Mom received her first letter from Chelsea a couple days ago so here it is...

It's a little repetitive to the last one, but there's some new stuff in it :)


Hi Mommy,

I made it through a week and it’s not bad so far. As long as you do what they tell you, they pretty much leave you alone. I find plenty to eat in the short amount of time we get. The bugs aren’t as bad as I thought either and it’s been pretty nice out – not too hot and humid.

Today was our first official training day and already I can tell I’m much better off than a lot of people here. The worst part is our hygiene. We get 30 second showers to basically rinse off. We wet our hair once since we’ve been here but no soap. I feel so gross right now and my head is itchy beyond belief!

For the next few weeks most of our training is in the classroom excepr for a few things. We had to go through medical again during receiving when we got issued our gear. We had to get 5 shots, 4 in the arms and 1 in the butt. That one SUCKED!!

Don’t have a lot of free time left right now so I’ll try and write again. I’m doing just fine. Don’t worry – only 12 more weeks.


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