Saturday, September 25, 2010

First Phone Call Home!

Hey Everybody!

My Mom got her first phone call from Chelsea on Friday morning! She sounded a little down because she hurt her knee and got pink eye at the same time! What a week huh? Both of us also got a letter from her so I'll post those so you guys can stay updated.

Letter #2 to my mom:

"Hi Mommy,

Just wanted to send you a quick letter to let you know I might be here longer. I had to go to medical for my knee. During our run on Saturday, it hurt so bad I couldn't finish. I got sent to have it checked. They said it was probably just a strain and gave me pain pills and put me on light duty for Sunday but it was still really bad today. Nothing showed up on the x-ray so it's not broken. I'm going back tomorrow to have it looked at again. If I miss 3 training activities I get dropped back and I think I may have already missed one when I went on Saturday.
I guess I'll find out tomorrow. It's really upsetting because I was in good shape before I came and I don't know what happened. I didn't trip or roll anything and our workouts are very similar to the crossfit I was doing. Other than that all we've done is a little martial arts, classroom stuff and marching. I'll let you know what happens.

Love Chelsea"

Letter #2 to me:


Please, please, please tell everyone to write to me! It's been 5 days of mail call and I haven't gotten one letter :'(. We haven't done as many training activities as I thought we were going to. We have 2-3 academic classes a day for our first phase and usually one field activity. We learned some bayonet techniques on Friday and did some martial arts earlier in the week. The days get lumped together but they've been going by pretty quickly. The longest part of the day to get through is from breakfast to lunch. After lunch the day goes fast. I think next week we get to do the pugil sticks. Oh... we got to wash out hair and shave yesterday!! Our senior Drill Instructor said her last platoon didn't get to shave until the rifle range. 2 nights last week she sat down with us- more relaxed to get to know why we're all here and answer questions. It's the only time we get to see her laugh & treat us like real people. We've picked up some recruits from other platoons that were dropped in their training and they've said our platoon and Drill Instructors are so much better. I did have to go to medical yesterday for a muscle strain in my knee and got some pain pills so I should be fine & get to train again on Monday. I don't want to spend any extra time here. Also, half our platoon is already sick.

Can you print out and send me the daily schedule thats on the website that lays out all out activities? Make sure you're updating everyone and tell them to write and send pictures. Tell mommy to send my instep things and stamps. Thanks!

Love, Chelsea

Sundays are the best...4 hours of free time w/o drill instructors!!"

So you guys can officially say I am keeping you updated! Please send her lots of letters... especially happy uplifting ones so she knows we are all supporting her (especially since she hurt her knee and has pink eye!)

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